What better way to be a part of your community and help make Novi a better place to live, work and play… and to build a legacy.

The Naming Rights program provides funds that are leveraged to implement capital improvements in the Novi Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services system. Novi has 13 parks where residents and non-residents alike are watching or playing sports, people of all ages are walking on the many trails and playing in parks that offer both passive and active activities.
It is important to realize private donations are necessary to assist in building a world class park system.

What benefits do you receive?

  • Your name prominently displayed on all advertising/marketing materials produced by Novi Parks, including but not limited to:
    • Novi Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services web pages
    • Novi Parks Foundation web pages
  • Prominent listing as a Park Partner
  • And, your donation is tax-deductible to the maximum extent possible

If you are interested in the Naming Rights program and would like a brochure, please reach out to director@noviparksfoundation.org.